Saturday, July 11, 2015

Third Time's the Charm

You've probably guessed that this isn't the first time I've started a blog. Hopefully it will be the last time I have to start one. There's just something appealing about having your thoughts and everyday life on display. And I don't mean in the center-of-attention way either. It's the feeling that maybe there's someone out there who actually finds it interesting and worth their time to read; that maybe they'll get something out of it, whether it's just entertainment, or they learn from my mistakes, or they feel a connection to what I'm experiencing. And it's kinda therapeutic for me. I don't have to keep all my thoughts and ideas cooped up in my brain. I can't control what others will think or say about me because of this blog, but I can hopefully make a difference.

I feel almost silly saying that: make a difference. Is it possible to make a difference by simply writing a blog? I think so. I've been touched by others blogs, by that part of themselves they gave to the world. Because they decided that on the slight chance they could help someone, they would overlook that little voice telling them to not say anything, to be safe, not vulnerable, and share their feelings in a very public way. I'm sure your mother has told you at some point or other that once it's on the internet, it's out there forever. I suppose there's two ways of looking at that. The first it that once you share your thoughts and experiences, you can't take them back. They're out there in the cyberworld...forever! But that's also the point, that you'll live forever in the words you shared.

What's that? I'm taking this too serious? Maybe. But I can affect people by simply being my quirky, slightly awkward self. I'm not saying every post is going to be serious and heartfelt. I'm just saying this blog is going to be real. All my good days, my bad days, my I-can't-believe-I-just-did-that days, my I-just-saw-the-hottest-guy days, and everything in between. Hopefully y'all are up to the roller coaster. And hopefully it's not too much of a roller coaster.

Now that I've filled your brain with all my crazy ideas, you should probably know a little more about the girl writing them. My name is Rachel. Sorry, no last name! Gotta keep a little bit of anonymity. I grew up in good old Arizona, in both the big city and the small farming town. I went to a small community college where I received my associate's degree in Chemistry. (You get the pun in the title of my blog now?)  I moved up to Logan, UT to go to Utah State University. Go Aggies! I'm pursuing a bachelor's in Biochemistry. I've had some kinks in the plan, but a little elbow grease and hard work can straighten those out.

I'm a huge nerd so be prepared for unnecessarily in-depth explanations of new things I learn about science, or really cheesy puns especially about chemistry. I love music and listen to it basically 24/7. I can find a song for every mood and often get more meaning from lyrics than the writers probably intended. And I'm singing along to the music 96% of the time, even if I don't know the words. I like to think of myself as a writer, although I've never finished a novel. That's one thing I'm sure third time's the charm doesn't apply to.

I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or the Mormon church. I love it and although sometimes it's hard, I know it's true and I would never give it up. I can't imagine life without the gospel, it makes me a happier and altogether better person.

If you made it to the end of this, my first post, congratulations! Thanks for bearing with me. Here's to future posts full of laughs, tears, and gut punches.